Imagine how our communities could flourish if each parish had a dedicated group of parishioners and staff formed and equipped to accompany others and serve as leaders in any ministry. The Missionary Leadership Institute is committed to outreach—focused on growing, learning, and education. A co-pilot on a journey in helping those become the person God wanted them to be.
While life can present its challenges, there is comfort in knowing that He holds the Gospel and faithfully walks with us through every obstacle.
What Does This Mean for You?
If youʼre feeling curious about faith or wondering how it fits into your life, the key is finding a space where you can ask questions, explore your doubts, and grow at your own pace. Evangelization isnʼt about being preached at—itʼs about real conversations and experiences that help you discover where faith lives within you.
Our community is all about taking that next step together—growing in your faith alongside others who are on their own unique journeys. Itʼs not about having every answer; itʼs about sharing experiences with those who also seek to live a life full of meaning and hope. Whether itʼs through small groups, digital mentorship, or even a simple one-on-one conversation, youʼll discover how faith can weave into your everyday life.
I am a volunteer at my parish
Formation for the Lay Apostolate is designed for volunteer lay persons serving in parishes, such as catechists, parish council members, trustees, pastoral care ministers, youth group leaders, and anyone who has a call to grow as a missionary disciple and deepen their faith.
Year 2: Lay Apostolate Formation
I am a parish staff member
Formation for Lay Ecclesial Ministry is designed for lay persons serving on staff in parishes (especially new hires), such as catechetical leaders, pastoral ministers, worship coordinators, youth and young adult ministers, RCIA/OCIA coordinators, and discipleship coordinators.
Register for the January 13-16, 2025 Session
Year 2: Lay Ecclesial Ministry
Click here to request information about the Missionary Leadership Institute.
Already enrolled? Access our helpful resources. Note: this page is password protected.
Basic Ministry for Parish Life January 13-16, 2025
Jamie Whalen
Lay Leader Formation
Kristin Sorensen
Lay Leader Formation
Sr. Martha Escobar
Hispanic Ministry Director
Toni Gomez
Hispanic Ministry