The Diocese of Green Bay is committed to creating, providing, and maintaining safe environments in all its parishes, schools, and other institutions so that all persons, especially children, youth, and individuals at risk, will be protected as far as possible from all harm including physical and sexual abuse.
VIRTUS® is the brand name that identifies best practicesʼ programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “right doingˮ within religious organizations and to raise awareness regarding sexual abuse in our Church and society. The National Catholic Risk Retention Group Inc. created VIRTUS to empower organizations, people to better control risk, and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church through a continuous process of training and information.
To begin the online registration, please log into Please follow the registration instructions listed here.
VIRTUS Online Registration Instructions
Para registrarse, haga clic en este enlace: Por favor, siga las instrucciones de registro aquí:
Instrucciones de registro - en línea de VIRTUS
All priests, deacons, other ministers, and employees (who may or may not have contact with children, young people, and individuals at risk) and volunteers who have contact with children, young people and individuals at risk as part of their volunteer duties are required to complete the VIRTUS Adult Awareness Training Session.
Please call the parish or school where you work or volunteer.
Office of Safe Environment
Catholic Diocese of Green By
(920) 272-8198 or 1-877-500-3580, ext. 8198
The Safe Environment Department of the Diocese of Green Bay strives to assist parishes, schools, families, and individuals to create safe and healthy environments for children, youth and individuals at risk in all aspects of their lives in accordance with the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young Peopleˮ and diocesan policy. Safe Environment polices and resources are available below.
Reporting Abuse Promise to Protect Pledge to Heal
Reportar Abuso Promesa de Protección Promesa de Sanación
Learn more about Saint Maria Goretti, Patron Saint for the Safety of Our Youth
Courtney Coopman
Diocesan Assistance Coordinator (Safe Environment)
Phone: 920-272-8174
Caitlyn Cheslock
Safe Environment Coordinator
Phone: 920-272-8198
VIRTUS LOSEC Administrator Guide 2023
Youth Employee Code of Conduct Agreement Form 2023
Youth Volunteers under 18 2023
Instructions and Worksheets for Parishes and Schools
2023-2024 SE Parish Survey Website
2023-2024 Survey Worksheet PARISH