
Past Bishops

Bishops Within the Diocese

Twelve bishops have led the Diocese of Green Bay since its founding in 1868. What began with a few parishes and priests serving 40,000 Catholics has grown to over 150 parishes serving 350,000 Catholics today, along with more than 60 schools, a Catholic college, and 10 Catholic hospitals.

Bishop Joseph Melcher (1868-1873)

The first bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay grew the number of priests and parishes and attended the First Vatican Council.

Bishop Francis Krautbauer (1875-1885)

Oversaw the construction of the Cathedral and helped establish the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help™.

Bishop Frederick Katzer (1886-1891)

Successfully opposed the Bennett Law, which sought to restrict the use of languages other than English in schools.

Bishop Sebastian Messmer (1892-1903)

Throughout his 11-year tenure, Messmer fortified the growth of parochial schools and other religious institutions.

Bishop Joseph John Fox (1904-1914)

He was the first and only native son of the diocese to become its bishop.

Bishop Paul Rhode (1914-1945)

Founded numerous parishes, schools, and diocesan institutions.

Bishop Stanislaus Bona (1945-1967)

Expanded schools and established Sacred Heart Seminary.

Bishop Aloysius Wycislo (1968-1983)

Implemented Vatican II reforms and expanded outreach for refugees and marginalized groups.

Bishop Adam Maida (1984-1990)

Focused on diocesan planning and empowering lay leadership.

Bishop Robert Banks (1990-2003)

Led significant administrative restructuring and school policy reform.

Bishop David Zubik (2003-2007)

Created the Diocesan Department of Evangelization and Worship and prioritized safe environment initiatives.

Bishop David Ricken (2008-present)

Expanded vocation and youth ministry, and the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help™ was officially recognized. View Bishopʼs Page

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