
Natural Family

Living Godʼs Plan: Deepening Love and Responsible Parenthood

The Church teaches that married love is a gift meant to bring forth new life. At the same time, couples are called to prayerfully discern if they need to postpone pregnancy for serious reasons. In such cases, it is morally acceptable to avoid pregnancy by choosing not to use fertile days, embracing Godʼs design for marriage and the body as gifts.

To support couples in living this vocation, the Church offers education and pastoral care to help deepen love and achieve responsible parenthood. Certified instructors teach natural family planning (NFP) methods, empowering couples to understand and interpret fertility signs. NFP can be used to achieve or postpone pregnancy and is effective at every stage of a womanʼs reproductive life.

Please visit the OurNaturalFamily.com. It was built for Diocese of Green Bay area residents and is full of class and teacher information, descriptions of methods, and information to help you understand this beautiful teaching of the Catholic Church and more!

We also offer great resources for the latest in national news, updates, conferences and research for all methods of NFP. Helpful for those interested in learning more about NFP, those living NFP in their marriage and /or those involved in teaching or promoting NFP.

Resources for Parents & Parenting from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Many great resources, articles and links for various parenting related issues. Excellent source!

The 5 Love Languages

Very simple concepts that can make a huge impact on couple and family dynamics.

Online quizzes for couples, children and teens to help discover their primary love language that helps them feel more appreciated, understood and valued. The site also has a free downloadable Small Group Guide for parents who want to learn to connect more effectively with their children using the Love Languages. Books by best-selling author Gary Chapman include The 5 Love Languages for Couples, Singles, Children, Teens, Menʼs Edition and Military Edition.

Praying as a Family

“The Family Fully Alive: Building the Domestic Church — Prayers, Meditations and Activities to Enrich Your Family Lifeˮ

This booklet is compiled and distributed by the Knights of Columbus, who are huge supporters of both prayer and family in the Catholic world. This is a WONDERFUL resource for families! It has several great reflections on the importance of prayer, various prayers, and monthly prayers and areas to focus on as a family.

Freedom From Pornography

Create in Me a Clean Heart Pamphlet Series

Libertad de la Pornografía

Crea in mí un corazón puro

Covenant Eyes

Find Peace of Mind with Internet Accountability Software

Internet Accountability monitors websites visited, search terms used, and YouTube videos watched, providing easy-to-read reports to help start conversations about healthy online habits. Parents can see where their kids go online, and adults can reduce temptations and protect the relationships they value most.

Block the Bad Stuff with Web Content Filtering

Sometimes you or your kids need extra protection. Get Internet Filtering to block inappropriate web content based on age appropriateness. You can also create custom block and allow lists or block the Internet completely at certain times of the day.

RECLAiM Sexual Health

RECLAiM Sexual Health offers a science-based, Catholic Online Recovery Program and other resources for those who want to reclaim Godʼs plan for their lives and the lives of loved ones impacted by pornography or other unhealthy sexual behaviors.

The RECLAiM Sexual Health Online Recovery Program integrates Theology of the Body, the brain science of change, proven cognitive tools, accountability, group support, faith practices, and prayer all in one online community. Work at your own pace in an anonymous and safe environment to change unhealthy sexual behaviors and reclaim Godʼs original plan for your life and your sexuality.

©2025 Diocese of Green Bay