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Catholic Charities Mission Team

Catholic Charities Information and Appointments Number  |  920-272-8234 

Website: www.catholiccharitiesgb.org

As a community of missionary disciples, the Catholic Charities Mission Team strives to live out the mission of the Gospel in serving those who are most in need in our communities by embodying Matthew 25 and by promoting the social teachings of the Church, especially as they relate to issues of justice and human dignity. Through our different offices, our mission team works to meet the direct needs of people in our community, while also advocating for those in need by calling attention to the systemic issues that contribute to injustice in our society. In all we do, we are committed to bringing the love of Christ to everyone we serve.

Girotti Fr John 2015Karmen Lemke  |  920-272-8226
Mission Team Leader & Executive Director




The Catholic Charities Mission Team operates under the corporation title - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.