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Clergy & Vocations Mission Team

The Clergy & Vocations Mission Team seeks to form disciples and missionary leaders across the diocese with an infectious, missionary zeal that will win souls for Jesus Christ. At the heart of our call to become disciples is to:

  • Grow in relationship with Jesus - Discover Jesus
  • Learn from Him - Follow Jesus
  • Deepen our love for his body, the Catholic Church - Worship Jesus
  • Take that love out into the world to share it with others - Share Jesus

This team will provide for the growth of all leaders in spiritual maturity through an introduction to the great spiritual treasury of the Church. It will identify, train and inspire missionary leaders who form disciples and missionary leaders of others.

Mission Team Leader

Fr. Mark Vander SteegVery Rev. Mark Vander Steeg |  920-272-8165
Mission Team Leader & Vicar for Priests and Pastoral Leaders


 The Clergy and Vocations Mission Team operates under the corporation title - Catholic Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.

A more detailed list of contacts is available by clicking the underlined name of any office or mission team.


  • Office of Vocations

    The Office of Vocations is responsible for the promotion of discovering God's particular call for disciples in the Diocese of Green Bay. Of the four particular vocations, the emphasis for this Office is on priestly vocations and providing pastors for our parishes. The Vocation Director and his team helps bring awareness to the call to the priesthood within the Diocese as well as working the seminarians in formation to become priests.

  • Office of Priest & Pastoral Leaders

    As part of the Discipleship and Leadership Formation Mission Team, the Office of Clergy and Pastoral Leaders helps form leaders of parishes to love Jesus and share Him with others. We provide experiences to teach leadership and encounter God. In this way, leaders of parishes grow closer to Jesus and the people of God. And through communication like this website, priests, deacons and pastoral leaders become more accountable to Him and their people. 

  • Office of the Diaconate

    The Office of the Diaconate seeks to serve the Diocese by the full expression of Holy Orders.  Specifically, to have deacons who are “…men who desire to encounter the Lord, who receive his love as their way of being and who carry his capacity to listen for pain in the human heart all the while knowing where relief for that pain is found within the Church.”  Deacons provide a ministry of accompaniment, being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others...expectantly…in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey. The deacon walks with the marginalized, helping them make gradual steps toward restored sacramental communion. The formation arm of the Office of the Diaconate exists to assist in the discernment, formation and accompaniment of candidates for diaconal service to the church of the Diocese of Green Bay.

  • Representative for Religious

  • Office of Parish Operations

    Provides parish staff and leadership with communication and relationship building tools so as to spread the Good News of the Gospel. These tools are in two primary forms: mission/pastoral planning tools and software/process tools including -

    · Mission Alignment workshops for parish leadership (trustees & councils) and staff including specific application of Entrust methodologies.

    · The development of goals and action steps in evangelization, discipleship and community impact

    · In partnership with the Office of Catholic Schools we provide parish-school collaborative leadership support

    · Pastoral planning based on parish vitality and resources

    · Church Management Software support for mission (GabrielSoft) including Standard Operating Procedures and linking the system to the bigger picture in Leading All God’s People to His Kingdom

    · MissionInsite demographic analysis and parish statistics

    Contact Deacon Peter Gard, Parish Operations Director, at (920) 272-8325 or Click Here to send Dcn. Peter a direct message.