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Thank you for making us part of your preparation for marriage! We hope that you find the resources on this page helpful as you prepare for your life together. If you need any assistance in this preparation process, please contact our office. We're here for you now and to support your future marriage! God bless you in the day and months ahead as you discover and follow His plan for you! 

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Marriage Prep Options

We are currently working on scheduling Two-Part Seminar Classes and have limited classes available.   Select the Two-Part Seminar Class tab below to see the available options.   
Please contact Sheila Re at (920) 272-8283 or click here to contact Sheila.

Marriage Prep Resources

Weekend Retreat
Weekend Retreat

No Weekend Retreats are available at this time.   Visit the Two-Part Seminar Class tab for other class options.    

Please contact Sheila Re at (920)272-8283 or click here to contact Sheila via direct message if you have any questions. 


Two-Part Seminar Class
Two-Part Seminar Class

Seminar Classes

Complete the two-part “Transformed in Love Marriage Prep Program in two sessions.  There are select dates for the Part I that are now available.  Once you have completed an in-person Part I class, you will receive a link to complete the Part II class online.   The Part II online is included in the cost of the Part I class.

  • Part 1 | One-day program (Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) at locations throughout the Diocese.
  • Part 2 | Two-hour online course.

TRANSFORMED IN LOVE is a two part marriage preparation series. These sessions strengthen the practical skills needed for a lifelong happy, healthy and holy marriage.

Couples will:

  • Discuss positive communication skills, finances, families of origin, and ways to protect and empower their marriage.

  • Hear stories, presentations, and insights from experienced married couples.

  • Have time for private reflection and conversation throughout the day.

  • Learn the beauty of living the Catholic vision of marriage as a covenant for responsible parenthood, including a healthy option called Natural Family Planning (NFP).

  • Listen to committed Catholic couples (with a background in NFP) share scientific and medical research, personal stories, prayer 

Part I is a one-day program where you explore the relationship skills to nurture a lifelong commitment and hear presentations from experienced married couples who lead discussion on living the Sacrament of Marriage.

Part II is a two-hour online course, that examines the Church's teachings about the Sacrament of Marriage and responsible parenthood including a healthy option for a lifetime of love called "Natural Family Planning."

Upcoming Event Registration Details

Saturday, January 20, 2024 / Part I / 9:00 am – 3:00 pm / St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Green Bay  Register Online 

Saturday, March 16, 2024 / Part I / 9:00 am – 3:00 pm/ St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Green Bay  Register Online

Saturday, May 4, 2024 / 9:00 am – 3:00 pm / St. Johns, Antigo  Register Online

Pre-registration is required.

Cost: $125 | Includes continental breakfast, lunch and resource materials for both Part I and Part II | Payment should be made in advance. Couples who cancel or re-schedule their date after registering will be charged a $10.00 service fee.

Registration Deadline: 4 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT

Please contact Sheila Re at (920) 272-8283 or click here to contact Sheila via direct message if you have any questions.  For questions about financial assistance for any of the programs please call (920) 272-8283.

NOTE: Couples who cancel or re-schedule their date after registering will be charged a $10.00 service fee.




El Amor Nuestro
El Amor Nuestro

El Amor Nuestro es la versión hispana de A Marriage in the Lord. Este retiro es presentado por parejas hispanohablantes casadas. En este programa, el contenido es adoptado para la lengua y cultura de los hispanos viviendo en la Diócesis de Green Bay. Tratamos temas como el matrimonio como sacramento, familia de origen, comunicación, finanzas, sexualidad y más.

Próximas Fechas y Registro 

Cuota de inscripción es $80 y incluye comidas y materiales. Aplicará un cargo adicional para cancelaciones después de la fecha original del registro.

Vean “Opción en línea”  para aprender sobre una opción pregrabado en español.

1 de Junio de 2024 / 8:00 am a 4:00 pm / Diocese of Green Bay, Chancery Building, 1825 Riverside Dr, Green Bay

Puede descargar una copia del formulario de registro aquí:    pdfFormulario de registro (1.33 MB)


Sheila Re
Tel: (920) 272-8283  o haga clic aquí para enviar un mensaje a Sheila

Back to Marriage Prep Page

Online Option
Online Option

Online Option | Opción en línea

Online options are available for anyone separated by distance, having challenging schedules, the hearing-impaired, Spanish-speaking individuals, or those with limited alternatives. This approved marriage preparation option uses the same materials as "Transformed In Love" and satisfies both Part I and II.

Online Option   Hearing-Impaired Option   Opción de habla hispana

*While in person marriage prep is the preferred way to complete marriage preparation, this online option is available at the discretion of the couple's pastor. Please consult with the pastor or deacon preparing you for marriage before enrolling in this course.


Couples Guide to Re-marriage

A unique seminar class for couples who plan to marry in the Church after an annulment, the death of a spouse, or are currently civilly married and are now seeking the Sacrament of Marriage. This seminar is also open to anyone getting married later in life. A seminar workshop tailored to the unique issues of couples, such as financial health, finding each other’s strengths, raising stepchildren, communication styles, and more.

This supplemental seminar can be taken either before the couple is married or shortly after the wedding, and is separate from marriage preparation classes. All couples are asked to go through marriage preparation to fulfill parish requirements.

Upcoming workshops:

  • No workshops are available at this time

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Please contact our office immediately at (920) 272-8283 if you are unable to attend your scheduled marriage prep class. NOTE: Couples who cancel or re-schedule their date after registering will be charged a $10.00 service fee.

*FOCCUS for engaged couples: Please contact your parish!

FOCCUS Facilitator Training

FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study) is a parish ministry preparing engaged couples for marriage. FOCCUS Facilitator Training is offered to married couples seeking to guide engaged couples through this ministry. 

Marriage Prep Brochure

 Coming soon.


In Perfect Union

A collection of information and resources from the Wisconsin Catholic Bishops to help couples prepare for lifelong successful marriages that bring them happiness and joy, by living their commitment to each other, to God and to the Christian community.

Download Document