Example of Streaming Sunday Mass Using Single Camera via Facebook Live
by Fr. Tim Shillcox, St. Rose & St. Mary's Parish - Clintonville
Helpful How-To & Start-Up Resources
PDF Resources
pdf How To Livestream Mass from the USCCB (145 KB) - A great overview on starting to stream the Mass in your parish
pdf Faith on Facebook Toolkit (235 KB) - A basic guide for churches present on Facebook, including helpful hints on using Facebook Live
Easy-To-Follow Video Tutorial on How to Livestream Mass from Your Phone
by SpiritJuice Studios
Vimeo Pro - A Review and Overview of This Paid Video Hosting and Livestream Service
by AJaytheCEO
Vimeo Pro is the video and streaming video platform used by the Office of Communications for the Diocese of Green Bay. It has also recommended for use by parishes. The greatest benefits of this paid service are that it auto-archives streamed video immediately following a Livestream event, as well as offering a live chat feature to accompany your streaming events.
Taking Your Phone Video To The Next Level
by Think Media
Once you've mastered the basics, you might want to improve the quality of video and audio you're sharing with others. This video is a great, brief overview of various tools and options to take your production to the next level while still staying on a budget.
First Class, Easy-To-Use Video Editing Tool
by Orange 83
Adobe Premiere Rush is a video editing tool for both desktop and mobile devices. It is designed to be easy to use and accessbile for individuals with a lot of, or little to no experience with video editing. Use of the app is $9.99/month and Adobe offers a free trial use period for the software. More at https://adobe.ly/2xkdy3J.
If there's anything else you'd like considered to be added to this page or that you need, or if you have your own video support questions, please CLICK HERE to contact Matthew Livingstone, Senior Media Production and Outreach Coordinator, and he will be in contact with you directly.