Cathedra (ka-THEE-dra)
The bishopʼs official chair in the cathedral. Itʼs not just for
sitting—itʼs for leading.
Catechesis (kat-uh-KEE-sis
Think of it as “Catholic School 101ˮ—where you learn all the
cool stuff about faith, Jesus, and why church is more than just
a Sunday appointment.
Transubstantiation (tran-sub-stan-she-AY-shun)
The bread and wine actually become the body and blood of
Christ during Mass. Magic? No. Miracle? Yes!
Ecclesial (ih-KLEE-zee-ul)
Think of it as our Churchʼs family tree. “Ecclesialˮ is just a
fancy way of saying “related to the Church community.ˮ Weʼre
all branches growing together.
Doctrine (DOK-trin)
The best-kept secrets… that are meant to share! These are
the teachings that guide our faith and keep us rooted in truth.
Kerygma (keh-RIG-muh)
A big word with a simple meaning: “Good News!ˮ Much like
the joy you feel when youʼre welcomed into the arms of
Accompany (uh-KUHM-puh-nee)
Think of it as a spiritual buddy system. Walking alongside
each other through lifeʼs ups and downs, offering support,
love, and a listening ear.
Encounter (en-KOWN-ter)
When you bump into Jesus in the most unexpected places.
Whether itʼs in prayer, nature, or through someoneʼs kindness
—itʼs that heartwarming “aha!ˮ moment.
Evangelization (ee-van-juh-li-ZAY-shun
Itʼs like being a spiritual cheerleader! Sharing the love of
Jesus with everyone—whether itʼs through words, actions, or
“hip, hip hoorayʼsˮ.
Disciples (dih-SY-puls)
His closest followers who learned from him, loved him, and
spread his teachings to the world. #JesusEntourage
Theology (thee-OL-uh-jee)
The ultimate deep dive into Godʼs story. Itʼs like a great true
detective novel for your brain and soul, uncovering the
mysteries of faith, love, and everything divine.
Diocese (DYE-uh-sis)
Imagine the Church as a big, hearty stew. Each diocese is a
vegetable, with its own bishop, parishes, and community, all
simmering together in faith.
Clergy (KLER-jee)
The spiritual superheroes of the Church! These are the
priests, bishops, and deacons who guide us, pray for us, and
help us grow closer to God.
Deacon (DEE-kun)
A jack-of-all-trades (john-of-all-trades, maybe) in the Church
family. Deacons are ordained to serve—whether itʼs
preaching, baptizing, or lending a hand wherever itʼs needed.
Liturgy (LIT-ur-jee)
Itʼs the Churchʼs way of throwing a holy celebration. From
prayers to music, itʼs how we worship God together as a
family. #Liturgapalooza
Eucharist (YOO-kah-rist)
The ultimate meal thatʼs more than a meal. Itʼs when the bread
and wine become Jesusʼ body and blood, offering us a
heavenly taste of grace and love. Youʼll want to Super Size it!