El Año Intensivo de Discipulado Misionero es un proceso de formación para una amplia gama de líderes parroquiales, miembros del personal parroquial y aspirantes al diaconado. Sirve como un año independiente, o como preparación para aquellos que desean una formación ministerial más profunda (ofrecida en el segundo año del Instituto).
El Ministerio Hispano tiene como principal objetivo trabajar bajo la Vision y Mision de la Diocesis de Green Bay, unidos a los objetivo del Obispo David L. Ricken. Algunas de las principales funciones del Ministerio Hispano es ser un vínculo entra la comunidad hispana y la Diócesis para proveer información, talleres, cursos u otros medios que buscan la formación de líderes parroquiales hispanos que se encuentren colaborando activamente en sus parroquias. Es así que buscamos trabajar juntos para contrarrestar las necesidades actuales que surgen en la comunidad hispana en este país.
Hispanic Ministryʼs main objective is to work under the Vision and Mission of the Diocese of Green Bay, united with the vision of Bishop David L. Ricken. The main functions of Hispanic Ministry is to be a link between the Hispanic community and the Diocese to provide information, workshops, courses or other resources that seek the formation of Hispanic parish leaders who are actively collaborating in their parishes. This is how we seek to work together to address the current needs that arise in the Hispanic community in this country.
Sr. Martha Escobar
Hispanic Ministry Director
Phone: 920-272-8331
Toni Gomez
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 920-272-8327
Hispanic Ministry works with Diocesan and parish leaders to develop programs and services for the Hispanic community. Our goals are to respond to the pastoral needs and inclusion into the Church of Green Bay by addressing:
Promote and support pastoral care by developing Spanish-speaking worship and ministry sites. Guide and support Migrant Ministry and appropriate lay ministry groups. Find a Spanish-language Mass in your area below.
a. Assist and support parishes in developing training programs for ministry and spiritual growth.
b. Challenge and assist diocesan departments to promote ministry to Hispanics.
c. Coordinate the Hispanic Parish Ministers Forum and the Hispanic Ministry Committee.
Advocate, network, and support civic groups who serve the needs of Hispanics by pursuing and monitoring civic programs.
Monitor and coordinate services pertinent to the needs of Hispanics.
Attend and participate in local, regional, and national conferences relevant to Hispanics.
Download Brochure | Updated August 3, 2017
St. Therese Parish
213 E. Wisconsin Ave.
Appleton WI 54911
Interactive Map
(920) 733-8568
Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
Fr. Ryan Starks*
Deacon Ernesto Gonzalez*
Carlos Herrera*
St. Anne Parish
228 E Main St.
Coleman, WI 54112
Interactive Map
(920) 897-3226
1st Saturday of the Month: 7:00 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist
127 Garden Ave.
Gillett, WI 54124
Interactive Map
(920) 855-2542
3rd Saturday of the Month: 6:30 p.m. (on Facebook) Fr. Robert Ni Ni MF
Annunciation Parish
401 Gray St.
Green Bay WI 54303
Interactive Map
(920) 496-2160
Sunday: 12:30 p.m.
Ss. Peter & Paul Parish
710 N. Baird St.
Green Bay WI 54302
Interactive Map
(920) 435-7548
Sunday: 12:00 p.m.
Rev. José López Vargas
Maria Teresa Tinoco*
St. Philip the Apostle Parish
312 Victoria St.
Green Bay WI 54302
Interactive Map
(920) 468-7848
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 10:30 a.m.
Fr. Juan M. Zárate
Juanita Fiscal*
St. Willebrord Parish
209 S Adam St.
Green Bay WI 54301
Interactive Map
(920) 435-2016
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 10:45 a.m. (Bilingual),
12:30 and 6:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Fr. Andy Cribben, O.Praem*
Ss. Peter & Paul Parish
4767 E. Dunn Road
Sturgeon Bay WI 54235
Interactive Map
(920) 743-4842
Sunday: 1:00 p.m.
Fr. Robert Stegmann
Fr. Carl Schmitt
Sr. Leticia Villarreal*
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
8100 Brunner Rd.
Newton WI 53063
Interactive Map
(920) 726-4228
Sunday: 1:00 p.m.
Sr. Marlita Henseler, OSF*
Alina Mozo*
Most Blessed Sacrament (St.
Peter site)
435 High Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Interactive Map
(920) 231-9782
1st and 3rd Sunday: 12:30 p.m.
St. Joseph Parish
364 S Cambridge St.
Wautoma WI 54982
Interactive Map
(920) 787-3848
Sunday: 12:00 p.m.
Fr. David F. Greskowiak
Ana Wilson*
Ss. Peter and Paul Parish
608 E. Main St.
Weyauwega, WI 54983
Interactive Map
(920) 867-2179
2nd Sunday of the Month: 2:00 p.m.
Fr. Xavier Santiago
Mr. Guadalupe Cervantes
*denotes Spanish speaking or bilingual
Codigo Diocesano de Conducta Pastoral Para Voluntarios (Code of Conduct in Spanish)
Sacerdotes por la Vida (Priests for Life)