
Vocation to the Priesthood

Priesthood: Uncover Your Calling

Let's spread the GOOD NEWS. Share with people the wondrous story of who Jesus is, what he came to do, and about the unique purpose he offers, in ways that make faith real and relatable to their lived experiences.

Evangelization isn't about preaching from a pulpit; it's about meeting people where they are and having conversations that explore how faith can inform their lives.

It's about weaving hope and meaning throughout human interactions online and off, whether that's on social media, in a local park or community center, or simply being available to someone searching for more light in their lives.

Speaking of searching…
Enjoy this podcast featuring Bishop Ricken as he discusses the meaning of a vocation to the Religious Life, which involves living vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience as a devout sister, brother, or priest within a community.

Discover Your Purpose: Connect in Kairos

If you're uncertain about giving your entire life to God, why not start with just one year?

The Kairos Year is a transformative, yearlong formation program designed for men who feel called to serve Jesus Christ as priests. This opportunity provides a structured path for those eager to embark on their journey toward the priesthood.

Derived from the Greek word for "appointed time," "Kairos" signifies a unique moment for young men committed to discerning God's call. The Kairos Year serves as a sacred time to deepen their faith and explore their vocation with seriousness and intention.

Faith Forward!

Finding the righteous path is about tuning into your heart and mind while taking the time to explore where your passions and purpose meet. For many, itʼs not just about making big life decisions—itʼs about discovering who you are and, more importantly, where you are in life. Now, the big question–how can you make a difference?

Called to serve.

Itʼs a process of reflection, conversation, and sometimes taking bold steps into the unknown. Donʼt rush it; instead, take a deep breath and embrace this moment as a time to grow, learn, and trust that the His path will unfold in ways you might not expect, but that will lead to something meaningful and uniquely yours.

Diocese of Green Bay Seminarians

Click on each photo to learn more about each seminarian.
Please continue to pray for these men and for others to have
the courage to say, “yesˮ to the call of Jesus.

Reach out and support our Seminarians

Send Letters to:
2589 S. Webster Ave.
Green Bay, WI 54301

Seminarian Prayer Card & Resources

Learn more about Quo Vadis?, the Catholic podcast that helps you to begin with the end in mind.

Fiat Prayer Society

The Fiat Prayer Society is the main way we are asking the faithful to pray for an increase of “yesesˮ to the priesthood in the Diocese of Green Bay.

Dear Friend in Christ,
If thereʼs one thing weʼve learned in the Office of Vocations, itʼs the importance of having prayer as the foundation of all that we do. If something is not supported through the prayers of the faithful, it has little to no hope of bearing fruit. In our effort to continue to help young people hear and answer a call to a religious vocation, we know it takes the prayers of many people in order to do that. Though not all are called to this particular vocation, all are encouraged to pray so that the ones whom the Lord is calling hear and say “yes!ˮ

The Fiat Prayer Society is meant to help with this. Our goal is to have more and more of the faithful assist in our vocation efforts through their prayers and sacrifices to help bring forth more “yeses.ˮ This is where the name of the society came from. “Fiatˮ is the Latin word for Maryʼs response to the angel Gabriel at the Annunciation. Fiat means “let it be doneˮ and because of her “yes,ˮ Jesus came into the world. Who better to imitate in following Godʼs will than the Blessed Mother?

By deciding to be a part of this society, there are no dues and no meetings, simply your promise to join our efforts in praying. This is meant to aid other groups in the Diocese of Green Bay that also faithfully pray for more vocations.

We thank you for your willingness to help in this important task. Please know of our prayers for you as well, and God bless you!

In Christ,
The Office of Vocations

©2025 Diocese of Green Bay