Being called to serve as a deacon is a profound journey of faith, commitment, and contribution. Itʼs about embracing a life dedicated to helping others, sharing Godʼs love, and being a motivational guiding presence at church and in the world.
Catholic deacons are ordained to support those in need, lead prayer in the community, and participate in meaningful service throughout the community and beyond. The diaconal vocation is open to all men who are single or currently married.
If you think you might be sensing the Holy Spirit calling you toward life as a deacon, the best place to begin discerning that call is through prayerful dialog with God and conversation with your wife and parish pastor.
Godʼs primary vocation for each and every one of us is to be holy, to be a saint. The path we take to holiness and sainthood is our particular vocation. There is nothing more important than discerning what that path is, which is what we are here to help you do.
Please take a look at the information on this website, and we invite you to contact us, so we can assist in discovering your path to holiness.
Know of my prayers, and God bless!
Dcn. Shaun Johnson
Diaconate Director
Tune in to this podcast where we
explore discernment and married life
with inspiring insights on living a
committed love for your spouse and
family—reflecting the deep,
unconditional love that God shares with
each of us.
Enjoy this podcast with Father Mark
Mlezia and his guests as they discuss
the vocation to the Diaconate,
exploring what it means to live an
ordained life of humble service,
sharing Christʼs love within the parish
and the wider community.