The Archives staff of the Diocese of Green Bay is happy to assist genealogists.
Please use our Genealogy request form to begin.
Chancery Building
1825 Riverside Drive
Green Bay, WI 54305-3825
Phone: (920) 272-8187 or (920) 272-8195
Fax: (920) 435-1330
Olivia Wendt
PO Box 23825
Br. Steve Herro
Assistant Archivist
PO Box 23825
Are you:
Help is as close as the Archives of the Diocese of Green Bay.
The Archives collect, preserve, survey, appraise, arrange, describe, store, and provide access (when feasible) to records and papers about the Diocese and the Catholic community of northeast Wisconsin. These records date from the roughly 1850 to the present.
While the Archives mainly serve the Dioceseʼs administration, staff, and parishes, Archives also assist scholars and family genealogists in accord with church, state, and federal laws and accepted archival practices.
What records are in the Archives?
Our Archives can help you research your family tree or the Catholic history of Northeastern Wisconsin using parish, diocesan, and other related records. We have microfiche copies of all existing sacramental records (baptisms, marriages, burials, plus some first Communions and confirmations) for the Catholic churches of the Green Bay Diocese (most of Northeastern Wisconsin). However, many of the early records are not complete.
We have compiled tables that show the locality (including townships), name of the parish — including the various names a parish had over the years — earliest year records are available for baptisms, marriages, and funerals, and which ethnic groups (where applicable) the parish served.
Eventually, there will be tables for each ethnic group. The date a church is founded and the starting date for sacramental records may not be the same. Sacramental records for baptisms, marriages, and funerals may not begin on the same date.
When starting a search for families pre-World War I, first check the records of the area parish (or parishes) of the familiesʼ ethnic background. If there is no ethnic parish, check other Catholic churches in the area.
If your ancestor's residency pre-dated the earliest parish records, use the table to determine what parishes existed then (and thus where to look for the records).
Table of Parish Sacramental Records Download Document
Researchers may visit the Archives to perform personal research on Tuesdays (9 am-noon, 1 pm-4 pm) or by appointment. Private researchers contribute $10 for a half day or $15 for a whole day of research, in addition to a .25 printing fee for any records printed. Reservations may be confirmed by calling 920-272-8195.
Scans of records sent to Archives patrons are for the requester's personal use only. They cannot be reproduced, published or shared electronically without permission from the Archives.
As of July 1, 2022:
There is a set fee of $25.00 per research request plus .25 per copy/image. Staff will perform one hour of research for up to two ancestors' sacramental records (e.g. baptism record search for ancestor #1, wedding and death record search for ancestor #2).
Additional time for additional research subjects requires an additional payment ($25 per hour). Prepayment is not required.
Checks should be payable to Diocese of Green Bay, Inc. and mailed to:
Chancery Building
1825 Riverside Drive
Green Bay, WI 54305-3825
Phone: (920) 272-8187 or (920) 272-8195
Fax: (920) 435-1330
Olivia Wendt or Br. Steve Herro
Archives provides free copies of personal sacramental records, including baptism, First Communion, confirmation, and marriage. If you know where the sacraments were conferred, contact the parish for copies.
Preparing for marriage? Contact the parish that conferred the sacraments to arrange for certificates to be prepared from sacramental registers.
If you are note sure which parish in the Green Bay Diocese conferred your sacrament, contact Diocesan Archives department to locate the record.
Consult this table (2.63 MB) to determine which parish has which sacramental records for particular years.ʼʼ
Archives of nearby dioceses (some of which have congregations that used to be in the Green Bay Diocese)
Archives of the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin
Archives of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin
Archives of Diocese of Marquette, Michigan—not open for reference service
Archives of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Non-church genealogy reference sources: Appleton Public Library Obituary Index
Manitowoc County Wisconsin Genealogy: Especially strong in deaths, cemeteries, newspaper marriage articles from Manitowoc County.
Winnefox Vital Records: Links to birth, marriage, and death records for those form Fond du Lac, Winnebago, Waushara, Marquette, and Green Lake counties. Wisconsin Historical Society.
Research your Family History: contains an index for many (but not all) pre-1907 Wisconsin birth, marriage, and death civil records. If the civil record is indexed, there is a link to buy it from the Wisconsin Historical Society.