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Rite of Election

Rite of Election & Call to Continuing Conversion
Sunday, March  9 |  1:00pm 
St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Green Bay, WI

At the Rite of Election, after the testimony of sponsors and catechists and the catechumens' affirmation of their intention to join the Church, the Church makes its "election" of the catechumen to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil. They are now called "the elect" and begin a Period of Purification and Enlightenment for the remainder of Lent.  After the Easter Vigil they enter a Period of Postbaptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy in which they increase their understanding of the mysteries of the faith and strengthen their bonding with the rest of the faithful. This period normally ends around Pentecost.

Candidates for Full Communion (Baptized Christians who have not received First Communion/Confirmation seeking Full Communion of the Catholic Church) participate in the Call to Continuing Conversion which is combined with the Rite of Election.

Registration for 2025 will open in late January. 


St. Francis Xavier Cathedral
140 South Monroe Avenue
Green Bay, WI 54301
Interactive Map

St. Francis Xavier Cathedral is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Green Bay and host for this liturgy. Free parking is available in the Cathedral parking lot.


There will be a light reception immediately following the liturgy in the Cathedral Center of the Cathedral. Everyone is invited to attend.

In Case of Inclement Weather

  • In case of inclement weather and poor road conditions, the Rite of Election / Call to Continuing Conversion will be celebrated on Sunday, March 16th at 1:00p.m.
  • To learn if there is a postponement call (920) 272-8310.  A voicemail message will announce a cancellation/postponement. 
  • RCIA Leaders who have registered for the liturgy using email will be notified at that email address.
  • A postponement decision will be made 24 hours before the liturgy.

Who Participates in the Rite of Election / Call to Continuing Conversion?


  • Catechumen, (Not Baptized Adults, ages 7+), those who are unbaptized and will be receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion at Easter, participate in the Rite of Election. Following the Rite of Election, they will no longer be referred to as Catechumen but as the Elect. [Catechumen must be accompanied by their Godparent]
  • Candidates for Full Communion, (Baptized Christian seeking the Full Communion of the Catholic Church; No First Communion/Confirmation), are those who are validly baptized. They will be entering into full communion with the Church at Easter by receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. They will participate in the Call to Continuing Conversion which is held combined with the Rite of Election. [Candidates should be accompanied by their Sponsor]

Not Attending

  • Confirmation Candidates, (Catholic; Baptized, First Communion, Not Confirmed). Baptized Catholics who have received First Communion, but for some reason were never confirmed, are not the same as Candidates in the RCIA for full communion. While their formation may be tied to the parish's Candidates and Catechumens' formation within RCIA, they are already in communion with the Church. They do not participate in the Rite of Sending, the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion (unless to be present in support of the Parish's candidates/catechumens), Scrutinies, and/or Presentations.

Parish Rite of Sending (to the Rite of Election)

All parishes with Catechumen and/or Candidates for full communion are to celebrate the Rite of Sending at a weekend celebration prior to the Rite of Election, either the weekend before or the weekend of the liturgy (as long as it is celebrated before the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion). You can find the Rite of Sending in the RCIA Ritual nos. 106-117 (Catechumen only), nos. 434-445 (Candidates only), and nos. 530-546 (Combined Rite).

Download Combined Ritual

Book of the Elect

  • Please bring your parish Book of Elect to the liturgy. Only Catechumen (Unbaptized) are to sign the parish's Book of the Elect during the Rite of Sending. (Catechumen will be referred to as the Elect following the Rite of Election). The Bishop does not sign this book, even though there are sometimes printed lines for the Bishop to sign per the publisher, please disregard these signature lines. The Books of the Elect will be placed before the Bishop during the liturgy; because of this, each parish should inscribe the name of the parish in the inside cover of their Book so all Books can be properly returned after the liturgy. 
  • Candidates for Full Communion are not to sign the Book or another book during the Rite of Sending. 

Parish List of Names

  • Parish leaders are asked to bring a list of their Catechumen and Candidates for the presentation.

Name Tags

  • Parishes are asked to send their Catechumen/Candidates with clearly written name tags.

Arrival / Seating

  • All participants should arrive at the Cathedral no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of the liturgy.
  • RCIA Leaders will meet the MC 30 minutes before the liturgy in the Cathedral Center for instructions on presenting their Candidates/Catechumen. 


Bishop will be available for two group photos with Candidates and the Elect after Mass.  

Ritual Details | Catechumen/Godparents, Candidates/Sponsors, RCIA Leaders

RCIA Leaders: Please see the sample Worship Aid below to study the responses of the RCIA Leaders, Candidates, Catechumen, Godparents, and Sponsors

Rite of Election Worship Aid 2022

Celebration of Election (Catechumens)

  • Parish leaders presenting Catechmen will form a line on the right side of the sactuary up to the ambo. (PARISH LEADERS: Bring your Book of the Elect. ) When you arrive at the ambo, state: The Catechumen from (Parish Name) in (Parish City)... then read names of the Catechumen.  A card will be available at the ambo for you to follow. No need to memorize anything. You will take your Book of the Elect with you.
  • When their names are read, the Catechumen and their Godparents are to stand and remain standing.
  • Catechumen and their Godparents are to follow the worship aid for their responses/acclamations within the ritual. Worship aids will be provided before the liturgy.

Celebration of the Call to Continuing Conversion (Candidates for Full Communion)

  • Parish leaders presenting Candidates will form a line on the right side of  the sactuary up to the ambo. When you arrive at the ambo, state: The Candidates from (Parish Name) in (Parish City)... then read names of the Candidates.  A card will be available at the ambo for you to follow. No need to memorize anything. You will then return to your pew.
  • When their names are read, the Candidates and their Sponsors are to stand and remain standing.
  • Candidates and their Sponsors are to follow the worship aid for their responses/acclamations within the ritual. Worship aids will be provided before the liturgy.


Contact the Office of Divine Worship
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(920) 272-8310