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If you know of an incident of sexual abuse of a person who is now under the age of 18 by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY CALL THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES AND THEN THE DIOCESE.

REPORTING OPTION 1 | Contact Diocesan Representatives through phone or email

If the person was abused as a minor but is now an adult, please contact any of the following individuals:

  • Courtney Coopman, Victim Assistance Coordinator/Safe Environment Coordinator: (920) 272-8174 or 1-877-270-8174

Click to Send an Email to the Office of Safe Environment

We always encourage you to report the incident to local civil authorities.

REPORTING OPTION 2 | File a Report through the Awareity Incident Reporting System

Awareity is a comprehensive platform for reporting, tracking, and documenting incidents and concerns, making it simple and confidential to share red flag behaviors such as:

  • Harassment
  • Boundary issues
  • Threats of violence
  • Concerning behavior by clergy, staff, or volunteers
  • Misconduct
  • Anything that you may find stressful or out of the ordinary and feel compelled to bring forward regarding clergy, staff, or volunteers

The goal of Awareity is prevention and to help identify red flags and warning signs before an incident occurs or escalates. 

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an emergency reporting system. If this is an urgent matter, please immediately dial 911.

 Click on the green butterfly below to file a report through the Awareity Reporting System.

Awareity Butterfly in green150

To report an allegation of abuse or mishandling of allegations of sexual abuse by a bishop:

Visit the Catholic Bishop Abuse Report Service website:   reportbishopabuse.org

The purpose of the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting (CBAR) service is to provide a third-party service for gathering and relaying to appropriate Church authorities reports of the following kinds of misconduct:

  • A U.S. Catholic bishop who has:
    • forced someone to perform or to submit to sexual acts through violence, threat, or abuse of authority;
    • performed sexual acts with a minor or a vulnerable person;
    • produced, exhibited, possessed, or distributed child pornography, or recruited or induced a minor or a vulnerable person to participate in pornographic exhibitions;
  • or, a U.S. diocesan or eparchial bishop, or other cleric overseeing a diocese/eparchy in the absence of a diocesan or eparchial bishop, who, in the exercise of their office, intentionally interfered with a civil or Church investigation into allegations of sexual abuse committed by another cleric or religious.

Additional Resources:

  • Sexual Assault Center of Family Services: (920) 436-8899
    The Diocese has also partnered with the Sexual Assault Center of Family Services. Advocates are available to offer resources without contact with the Diocese of Green Bay. Contact them directly at (920) 436-8899.
  • Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA)
    WCASA is the membership agency which supports 54 certified sexual assault service provider (SASP) agencies that are working to end sexual violence in Wisconsin, and which offer support, advocacy and information to its victims of sexual assault and their families.
    Access the WCASA Service Provider Directory

YOU matter to us. There is hope.

  • Should I report an act of sexual misconduct by Diocesan personnel to the Diocese?
    Yes. The Diocese of Green Bay takes very seriously any and all credible complaints of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, religious and lay staff of the Diocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct to inform the Diocese immediately so that we can take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse.
  • Does the Diocese provide assistance to sexual abuse victims?
    The Diocese is concerned about the well-being of those who have suffered abuse, and has designated a Victim Assistance Coordinator to help anyone who reports that he or she has been abused.
  • Should I report the allegation to civil authorities? 
    Yes. The Diocese strongly encourages any individual with an allegation to contact the civil authorities in the county where the incident(s) occurred. Even though the Diocese is providing information concerning abuse allegations to the civil authorities, it is important that they hear directly from the individual making the allegation.
  • What is being done to prevent sexual misconduct in the Church?
    Every effort is made to assure that all persons ministering in the Diocese are aware of and will abide by the policies prohibiting sexual harassment, exploitation or abuse, and of the procedures for dealing with incidents of sexual misconduct. All priests, deacons, other ministers, and employees (who may or may not have contact with children, young people and individuals at risk) and adult volunteers who have contact with children, young people and individuals at risk as part of their volunteer duites are required to attend a VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children Adult Awareness Session and complete an approved criminal background check.

Sexual misconduct is complex as well as terribly harmful. Each instance of abuse has its own unique aspects that rule out a simple or single response, so special care is taken to meet the needs of each individual. We are committed to providing that individual, personalized response.

However, our experience over the past many years tells us it is possible for individuals and communities to heal from the effects of sexual misconduct. This is not easily or quickly accomplished. Effective counseling, support groups and spiritual direction are often required for this healing.

Three Important Things to Remember

  1. You are NOT alone

  2. It is never your fault

  3. Healing is possible