There are 2 online marriage preparation courses that we recommend. Please select an option below to learn more about the class and to register.
“Theology of the Body” through Catholic Marriage Prep is based on Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body and is the only online pre-Cana program offering personalized one-on-one mentoring by trained married couples. These mentors guide couples throughout the entire process. encourages couples to deepen their relationships with each other and with Christ. A key objective of their marriage preparation is to foster meaningful discussions between the future bride and groom, helping them build a foundation for a strong, healthy, holy, and Christ-centered marriage. The program is available in English, Spanish, and French, for the Military, and Urgent Care. Register Here
“Living our Faith in Love” through The Marriage Group
The Marriage Group online Catholic marriage preparation program (pre-cana) includes newly produced videos featuring a great variety of relatable individuals and couples, filmed on modern, contemporary sets. The presenters encourage couples to pause the videos throughout, taking some time for meaningful discussions about their relationship and upcoming married life. Register Here!