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Parish & Family Life Mission Team

The focus of this team is to provide a strong culture of Catholic discipleship and academic excellence in the schools, as well as discipleship and catechesis in religious education, youth ministry, young adult ministry and campus ministry. This team will assist and empower parents in building homes of discipleship and active engagement in their parish and school, ministries and communities.

Gerard Hall Thumbnail PortraitGerard Hall  |  920-272-8311
Parish & Family Life Mission Team Leader


Tina HaanenThumbnail PortraitTina Haanen  |  920-272-8317
Parish & Family Life Mission Team Coordinator

The Parish and Family Life Mission Team operates under the corporation title - Catholic Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.

A more detailed list of contacts is available by clicking the underlined name of any office or mission team.

  • Office of Divine Worship Contact Count: 5

    We serve Bishop Ricken and the Diocese by providing liturgical formation and policy as well as coordinate Diocesan and Episcopal liturgies. This office also works to provide liturgical and catechumenal (RCIA) resources and overall support for the liturgical and sacramental life of the parishes and agencies of the Diocese.

  • Office of Religious Education Contact Count: 1

    As part of the Office of Parish and Family Life, the Office of Religious Education supports, trains and partners with catechetical leaders in our parishes to form young missionary disciples who will dynamically and faithfully live and share our Catholic Faith all the days of their lives.

    We do this through programs, initiatives, programs and events that equip, resource and train catechetical leaders, and catechists.”

    We offer resources and guidelines for Foundational Catechetical Certification, Confirmation, approved religion textbooks, curriculum, best practices and a newsletter on upcoming trainings, workshops, in-services and retreats.

  • Office of Family & Pro-Life Contact Count: 2

    Marriage and Family Life


    The office of Marriage, Family Life and Pro Life seeks to serve the Diocese of Green Bay through support of strong marriages, family life and by being an advocate for all life issues.   Our office offers programming on a variety of topics for married couples and offers support to parishes in delivering the same.   We invite you to explore the resources on our web pages and if you have any questions, please contact us directly at (920) 272-8283. 

    Marriage Ministries | Family Life Ministries | Pro-Life Ministries


    Marriage Preparation

    CoupleHandsRegister for English and Spanish Marriage Preparation Programs



    Pro-Life Striving to proclaim in word and dee the truth of the dignity of life regardless of age or situation.



    Natural Family Planning

    Natural Family PlanningEducation and information for you and your family


    Enrich Your Marriage

    Strengthening Your MarriageResources to help you and your spouse strengthen your marriage


    Family Ministry

    Strengthening Your FamilyResources to help you and your family in daily life


    Wedding Anniversaries

    Wedding AnniversariesCertificates and celebrations of milestone marriages


      "The Joy of Love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church."

    -- Pope Francis