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  • Appointments August 2024

    New Priest assignments have been announced. These are now posted on OnMissionMedia.com.

  • Jubilarian Wedding Anniversary Mass

    With Bishop David Ricken as the principal celebrant.

  • Catholic Foundation Raising Vocations

  • Entrust Retreat

    Spend time in prayer and learn new skills during this retreat!

  • From Bishop David L. Ricken

    Read the new pastoral letter, “Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist: Disciples Called To Worship”

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USCCB Resources:

 Recommended Links from the USCCB:

  • We Are Salt & Light
    • Includes resources intended as a catalyst for both the New Evangelization and the continuing development of vibrant communities living the Gospel in the United States. Communities that strive to be salt and light share God's love with others, as we encounter Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit's transforming presence. Inspired by the Trinity's dynamic of community, we Pray Together, Reach Out TogetherLearn Together and Act Together
  • Communities of Salt and Light:  Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish
    • This statement offers a basic resource for pastors, parish leaders, and all Catholics seeking to strengthen the social ministry of their local community. The bishops’ reflection represents neither major new teaching nor a new national program.  Rather, it brings together the principles of our social teaching and local pastoral experience in a framework for vibrant Catholic communities.  
  • Following Pope Fracis: Dialogue in Fratelli Tutti 
    • This resource explores the themes and ideas in Fratelli Tutti to recognize that the ability to dialogue across perspectives is essential in order that social love can inspire “new ways of approaching the problems of today’s world, of profoundly renewing structures, social organizations and legal systems from within” (Fratelli Tutti, no. 183).

Bishop David Ricken opens the Synod on Synodality - Oct. 17, 2021

  • Synodality means asking "How can we as a Church grow and journey together?"
  • So, let's dream about the Church we are called to be - becoming better witnesses to the Gospel!
  • During this time, we are all invited to listen to one another in order to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit
  • Just as Jesus reached out to all, no one is excluded from participating - we invite you to share your ideas with us.

We are guided by these fundamental questions:  How do we journey together at the different levels of the Church (from local to universal) to allow the Church to proclaim the Gospel? And what steps are the Spirit inviting us to take to grow as a synodal Church?