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  • Appointments August 2024

    New Priest assignments have been announced. These are now posted on OnMissionMedia.com.

  • Jubilarian Wedding Anniversary Mass

    With Bishop David Ricken as the principal celebrant.

  • Catholic Foundation Raising Vocations

  • Entrust Retreat

    Spend time in prayer and learn new skills during this retreat!

  • From Bishop David L. Ricken

    Read the new pastoral letter, “Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist: Disciples Called To Worship”

During this intensive experience, attendees will receive the vision, formation, and practical knowledge in how to carry out the process of spiritual multiplication. Thanks to the generosity of the Bishop’s Appeal, this retreat is free of charge for staff, volunteers, and parishioners within the Diocese of Green Bay

Click the links below to sign up.  Please note that capacity is limited, and sessions fill up quickly.

Entrust Disciples on Mission Retreat from Diocese of Green Bay on Vimeo.

And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well." – 2 Timothy 2:2

Sessions include:

  • A New Pentecost
  • Unpacking Missionary Discipleship
  • Holy Spirit: The Flame of Divine Love
  • Knowing and Sharing the Kerygma
  • The Art of Listening and Hospitality
  • Knowing and Sharing your Testimony
  • Discipling Others into Missionary Disciples
  • Missionary Discipleship Practicum

  pdf Entrust FAQs Sheet (3.97 MB)

Want to learn more? We're here to help!
Sam Schmalz, Missionary Discipleship Coordinator, at 920-272-8329 or send Sam a message here.